Monday, June 30, 2014

Truth and Tolerance, how to deal with a challenging world

This is an awesome devotional given by Dallin H. Oaks on 9/11/2011. Such an amazing talk that helps us combat the difference between truth and tolerance in the world we live in. i.e. Is it ok to tolerate cohabitation in our own home? It gives us successful ways to understand and act upon truth when challenged by secularism and false doctrine. Good stuff.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Simplicity is awesome

Yet amidst the multitude of voices and choices, the humble Man of Galilee stands with hands outstretched, waiting. His is a simple message: “Come, follow me.” And He does not speak with a powerful megaphone but with a still, small voice.6 It is so easy for the basic gospel message to get lost amidst the deluge of information that hits us from all sides. (Of Things That Matter Most) Dieter Uchtdorf. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Am I doing all I know to be ready??

Watch therefore,” the Savior concluded, “for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matt. 25:13). (Preparation for the Second Coming) Dallin H Oaks

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matt. 24:44; see also D&C 51:20). 

Friday, June 20, 2014

4 min competition (life)

From General Conference: Bishop Gary Stephenson.

"Now, consider how your pathway to eternal life is similar to these athletes’ “four-minute performance.” You are an eternal being. Before you were born, you existed as a spirit. In the presence of a loving Heavenly Father, you trained and prepared to come to earth for a brief moment and, well, perform. This life is your four minutes. While you are here, your actions will determine whether you win the prize of eternal life. The prophet Amulek described, “This life is the time … to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day … to perform [your] labors.” (Your Four Minutes)

Don’t wait. Your four minutes will pass quickly, and you’ll have eternity to think about what you did in this life. (Your Four Minutes)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Internet!

"You are growing up with one of the greatest tools for good in the history of man: the Internet. With it comes an elaborate buffet of choices. The abundance of choice, however, carries with it an equal portion of accountability. It facilitates your access to both the very best and the very worst the world has to offer. With it you can accomplish great things in a short period of time, or you can get caught up in endless loops of triviality that waste your time and degrade your potential. (The Choice Generation)"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Mountains to Climb

This video helped me with the passing of my Father a year ago. I hope it helps anyone struggling right now. Much love.

The Goal of this Blog...

             My overall desire of this blog is to hopefully motivate someone to be ready for the return of our Master. If I can inspire one person to choose the right with my comments and quotes from our prophets and apostles then my goal will be accomplished. I am expressing my opinion and do not speak as a representative of the Church.

I don't want anyone I know to be unprepared as were the five virgins in the parable spoken of in the Bible. Much love goes out to my family and friends who have been an example to me.